Sunday, March 28, 2010

Facebook ---> Dont get personal-LAH.

I looked at my fren FB acct. Then i saw one of my fiends status yang berbau personal.
Since i'm not fanatic with FB.
I just have to say, dont gatal tangan to publish a.k.a tayang ur personal problem there..Think 1st..
Its a social network web yang mana everyone will read and judge by your word..
(orang zaman sekarang nih semua bijak2 belaka.agaknya semua ada PHD dalam bab nilai-menilai nih kot)
So please be smart..

p/s:jom muafakat!!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Between deaf n' blind

Normal -----> deaf = sign language
Normal -----> blind = talk..
Deaf -----> blind = @-@ ?????????

Can deaf/mute befriends with the blind..
Is there any device out there for them to communicate?????
Atau aku jer yang x tau.. (buta IT sikit nih)

Malaysia Tag "1Malaysia"
World Tag "Communicate with NO BORDER"

Monday, March 8, 2010

First cut!!!

Hari ni..aku saja try buat video sebab aku ada trial software muvee..

Bagi beginner yang suka rakam video atau gambar. Software ini sangat mudah digunakan..

Step die 1-2-3 sahaja..then terus dapat hasil er.. Yang atas nih hanyalah demo aku jer..

So buat yang berminat buat video untuk di upload pada blog/youtube/googlevid boleh lah menggunakan 'Muvee Reveal'.

Selamat Mencuba ^_^

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Hardest part..

"I'm going to smile and make you think I'm happy,
I'm going to laugh, so u don't see me cry,
I'm going to let u go in style,
and even it kills me, - I'm going to smile"

p/s: sorry for all the wrongdoing. I'm not a good friend.